Nathan Lannon


HF Designworks - FortiFly - ThayerMahan

Software Engineer Intern - C#, Python

  • Worked on a system to measure cognitive workload of a pilot when using simulator technology
  • This workload was calculated using a combination of heart rate, eye-tracking, haptic feedback, and speech data.
  • Developed a program to record screenspace eye positioning and display it as a heatmap to better track what processes were mentally taxing.

Ocean Exploration Trust - NOAA OECI

Software Engineer Intern - Python, C++

  • Developer on the Realtime Underwater Modeling and Immersion project focused on photogrammetry and simulation.
  • This project was featured in a talk at SIGGRAPH 2024 for its unique combination of underutilized domains.
  • Challenged with designing and delivering a product suitable for use at sea, in a classroom, or in a laboratory.


Simulation Intern - C++, Unreal Engine

  • Collaborated with NAVAIR and FortiFly on a pilot simulator that teaches how to use AI assistants.
  • Improved the simulator by implementing dynamic routing using the A* algorithm, simulating real-world traffic.

NOAA Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute

Software Engineer Intern - Python, Keras, PHP, JavaScript

  • Assisted the research and development of ROVIA, an AI tool for extracting highlights from deep-sea video.
  • Implemented parallel computing to improve efficiency at sea, resulting in an 80% time improvement.
  • Created URI Dynamic Metrics, a WordPress plugin that displays animated metric data from Google Sheets.
  • This project was originally just for OECI but was later adopted into the University of Rhode Island's websites.


University of Rhode Island

Computer Science BS - Spring 2026

Community College of Rhode Island

Computer Science AS - Joint Admissions - Spring 2024